Bloomin Marvellous

An exploratory programme which seeks to encourage people to learn about and explore horticulture, especially children and young people

Bloomin Marvellous is currently focussed on supporting primary school children to learn about and explore horticulture.

10 primary schools are selected to particpate in the project on a bi annual basis.

The project is run in Spring/Summer (floral) and Autumn/Winter (food growing).

Each participating school receives a planter (made entirely from recycled wood), delivered to the school, along with support to purchase plants, equipment and compost.

Primary school children then get creative, decorating the planter and selecting plants and foliage to bring thier planter to life. 

The completed planters are put on show in Flat Iron Square.

A celebratory event is organised where judging takes place with winners selected in the following categories: 

  • Most Creative 

  • Best Horticultural Display

  • People’s Choice Award 

  • Best Use of Theme 

  • Best Use of Colour 

During the time the planters are on display, the public will be able to vote for their favourite and their ‘People’s Choice’. 

All winning schools receive a voucher from a local business of their choice.

All particpating children recieve recognition for thier particpation. 

Bloomin Marvellous - Previous Years

Take a look at the success of last year’s Bloomin Marvellous.

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