Support Us

Our work transforming lives is only possible through the invaluable support we recieve from individuals, companies and organisations who sponsor Living Bankside Academy financilaly and/or through in-kind support.

“Your support means everything, without it we wouldn’t be where we are today in our careers and with our aspirations.

Sayyad Eddeen & Adam Saalax

How you can support us


  • Financial support through sponsorship, a donation or fundraising.

Our Future

  • Help run a workshop as part of the Our Future programme

  • Provide us with a space to host the students on the Our Future prgramme

  • Support the Celebration Event by providing space or refreshments in-kind and volunteering on the day of the event.

Bloomin Marvellous

  • Help transport planters to Flat Iron Square to be showcased

  • Support the Celebration Event by providing refreshments in-kind and volunteering on the day of the event.

Help us transform lives