Eco 5

Their Mission

The Eco 5 are a group of 5 students from Living Bankside Academy. Each student is passionate about climate change and has burning desire to find a solution to the global issue.

Ranging from the ages of 16 to 19 and living in London, they are part of the generation which is likely to be largely impacted by climate change if nothing is done about it.

So, the Eco 5 made it their mission to take action upon themselves and figure out solutions to minimise carbon footprints and raise awareness regarding global warming in hopes of achieving the sustainability that the world needs.

Through visiting many companies and workshop which prioritise sustainability, the Eco 5 have learnt everything they need to know when it comes to tackling climate change and eliminating its lingering effects which are harming our planet.

Short Film

As well as furthering their knowledge of environmental issues, the Innovators were also tasked to create a short film about it.

This helped them improve crucial skills such as video editing that are very commonly needed in the professional world. This also allowed them to strengthen their teamwork and work better as a group

Events within the 2023 ‘Our Futures’ programme

1) The Eco 5 first visited Wiser which showed them that that working enviroments don’t need to be dismal, but can be warm and encouraging. They were given a step-by-step guide on how to make enticing videos (which came in useful when making their short film and journey video)

3) Next up was Landsec who taught the group how sustainability can be achieved using strategies such as thinking about the sourcing of the materials, repurposing pre-made structures and using nature to our advantage

5) The Innovators visited Grey where they were given a very useful insight into the creative tech industry and learnt all about how the company operates. They were then tasked with building up their own campaign which they presented to a small team.






2) Their next stop was Hubbub which taught them all about the importance of campaigning intently and how powerful an effective campaign can be. Ultimately, the students learnt how to get their message to the public and be heard

4) The Eco 5 then spent some time at Walworth Garden where they witnessed the true beauty of nature. With their newfound appreciation for the natural world, the group’s motivation to tackle global warming was boosted.

6) Next was Chatham House where the Innovators learnt how the charity uses tech and communication to help governments and societies build a sustainable, secure and just world.




